Friday, September 5, 2008

Rainforests, Man Flu & a Hot Mag!

Yikes - there's been quite a bit going on - mainly all 3 girls being sick, sick, sick - but also some exciting stuff! We had a gorgeous picnic with the cousins a couple of Sundays ago up at Mount Tamborine (just near here) with a divine walk in the rainforest afterwards. Seriously - if Tara can handle that walk - which is filled with potholes, stones and rugged rocks - she can handle anything! And she did! She was one of the fastest - racing ahead and leaving us adults in the dust. I think it's just so exciting for her to be able to explore with the other kids instead of always being the one lagging behind saying "please wait for me".

When we got home Jadie had a TINY reddish dot on her face - which we presumed was from the walk and that a branch had nicked her. Then she was sick for the next few days - but since Tara and Cassie were too - we didn't think much of it EXCEPT that the dot on her face was growing bigger and bigger! By Thursday it had sort of ballooned from the size of a dot to the size of a jellytot - so we went to the doctor - and turned out it was a tick that had got its jaws into her and was sucking all her blood out! Argh!

Poor Cas was sick as a dog on her birthday - couldn't even talk till the evening. BUT we made up for it with a delayed birthday party this last weekend - taking 17 of her closest friends to movies and sushi. (Scary!) On the sick front - Tone thought he was having a mild heart attack two nights ago and rushed himself to the emergency doctor - but turns out he too is getting the flu. (And is just a typical guy with Man Flu!)

Had a great couple of days down in New South Wales with Gav and family at an old beach house in Evan's Head. Tara was so sweet. We were at the skateboarding park and she wanted to eat a chocolate she'd been saving - but I said she had to give everyone else a little bite first. So everyone took a nibble, except Alec who ate the whole thing. So I said to Tara "are you okay?" and she said "yes, at first it was hard because my face went into the wrong position so I had to move it around to not show that I was a bit upset".

Apart from her few days sick in bed (and reading NON-stop to us coz she can't bear to be alone), Tara's been having a fantastic time with LouLou. I just can't express enough what freedom she now has. Like tonight she was excitedly telling us all about the stuff she did in HPE today - which she never used to be able to do before. She was also in the finals of a talent concert (singing Maybe from Annie with her friend Eva), and did a project on an Aboriginal artist Ginger Riley which seems to have reignited her passion for art - she's been consumed by her art pad, sketching all kinds of scenes.

Tone and I are doing well (apart from his forthcoming flu of course) - had a fab time with friends up from Melbourne last weekend; dinner and movies (actually take-away dinner smuggled into the movies) with Alex & Stuart last night & a big luncheon thing with some school folk that started at midday and ended after 10pm! Love those.

And Tara, Cas and Jadie added a limo-ride (for a friends' birthday at the Outback Show) to their list of 'firsts'.

Thank you to EVERYONE who has poured love and attention into Jadie - amazing results. An A in presenting her project which she had thought she'd never be able to do & deciding to enter a Shakespeare speech contest that she normally would've run from! And huge thanks to Anita who's going to dedicate her next book to Jadie! It's so beautiful to see Jadie believing in herself again. And she's stretching herself again - instead of giving up without trying.

We had a visit with Dr Pincus on Tuesday - and he's VERY happy with Tara's progress!!!! We don't have to see him again for 6 months. And they've slotted us in to see the rehab people on the 15th - which is when we'll be able to get the ball rolling for Tara to get better legs! (It's also Paul's birthday...)

And the last bit of exciting news - a national magazine is doing a piece on Tara and her role as Junior Ambassador for the Gold Coast Marathon! I don't wanna say the mag's name till it comes out - will keep you posted. Journalist was divine - sooooo interesting - he used to work in Fleet Street (London) in the late '60s when it was at its best! He and a lovely photographer came around on Monday and took photos of all 3 girls - HUGEST fun for them!

Paralympics starts tomorrow! Tone and I went to the Paralympic Games back in 2000 in Sydney - just three months after the twins were born - when we were so worried, and had no idea what the future would hold for Tara (and us) except that we were "in for the long haul" (doc's words). So it's really exciting to be at a place now where we know that if she really, really wanted - it's a dream she could make happen for herself. Zigs told us about George Eyser - an American gymnast who won gold at the 1904 Olympic Games - with a wooden leg! How's that for not letting small things get in the way of your dreams?!

St Hilda's Fete tomorrow and Father's Day on Sunday. And if you're in Australia, try watch 60 Minutes on Sunday to see one of the Aussie girls who's gonna be at the Paralympics (thanks Ginette). Happy Weekend Everyone! And Filipa - that is FANTASTIC news in your last comment!!!!!! (A couple of extra Premier Anna Bligh pics included today that we didn't have last time.)


Anonymous said...

Well done girls and mom and dad on all the wonderful achievements, Tony chill out cuz

Love Tia

Anonymous said...

Talk about a bug invasion! Hope you're all free of all those goggas by now - flu ones and otherwise.
Congrats Jadie on all your fabulous efforts in spite of the greedy tick. I guess it just knew how sweet you are and wanted to test you for itself.
Love Kim

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadie,

Yikes! Just the thought of that tick inside you makes my face all tense. I'm not good with things like that. Were you very brave?

Love you all,
Filipa FG