Friday, October 3, 2008

Naughty Cassie

Hi Tara,

I hope you're having lots of fun on holidays with the Wits and all the other people.  I am doing a modeling cause in 12 days and wish you could come as well. I've been sick and I still am a little bit sick and I really hope you don't get sick now in the middle of the holidays. On  Wednesday the 24th of September the Patons came and we were doing lots of fun games to win prizes and I won a game and picked a prize from the lucky dip but a few minutes later it broke so I got another one which was a tamagotchi.  In the afternoon we all set off to swimming. I was in the pool when Cassie was playing with MY tamagotchi and Tara had just got out of the pool. Dad asked Cassie  if  she could give Tara her clothes in the shower which was down the steps and to the right. Cassie was holding her clothes and my tamagotchi and she dropped it somewhere and now it's lost. Hopefully Cassie's learnt not to use other people's things without asking.

Love Jade


Anonymous said...

Hi Jade,

How cool is that... a modeling course! I think you'd be a great model by the way. You know... when I was little (about 5/6?), I was quite ill and in Lisbon to see a specialist when he asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. We'd just been watching a Miss World contest so I said I wanted to be a ‘Miss’! They all laughed so much and he said: 'yes, you'd be miss tooth pick' because I was sooooo skinny. It's a joke around my family that we still laugh at nowadays!

However, you've got a perfect body, face and hair - you'll be perfect I think.

Didn't Cas do a modeling course too? How proud are you Jen & Tony of your three gorgeous girls????

Have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Love, kisses and hugs,

Family Santos said...

O Internet connection, oh internet connection, wherefore art thou Internet connection?

Finally, at last I can read the blog again after a big computer battle. And you've been so busy - Tamagotchi'ing, Not Tamagotchi'ing, hopping, running, bandaging, not bandaging. Not much point me reiterating everything you wrote but just want to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading it.

Jade, you write so well. Cassie, clearly thou speaketh so beautifully and Tara I can't believe you're running, nay, SPRINTING!

Miss you loads and please tell Mummy it's about time she uploaded a picture of herself on the blog. Don't you agree?

Lizzie. x

Anonymous said...

hi jade - you're going to be a fabulous model. Bella used to do it until she had a supermodel or should I say superbaby tantrum of enormous proportions and we had to put her into retirement. We miss you all xxx