Friday, February 1, 2008

Onto Crutches

After almost a month of carrying Tara everywhere - or her hopping on one foot - she's now on crutches. The hospital gave her a quick lesson on going up and down stairs, which goes something like this: 'good goes up to heaven; bad goes down' - which is meant to mean that when she goes up stairs - good leg goes first; and when she goes down stairs - the 'bad' leg goes first. Bit of an awful analogy since Tara's never considered Leggie Loo a 'bad' leg. 

She was also taught the special art of leaning these horrible wooden crutches against your ribs rather than under your arms which can lead to blocked vessels etc. But after two days of her doing it perfectly - her ribs were bruised and aching, and she was getting callouses on her hands. So - YAY - we've traded them in for the more evolved light silver ones (aluminium?) which Gav recommended after his own experiences last year when he snapped his Achille's tendon.

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