Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dolphins, Penguins and Stumps

24 hours later and all's still great (epidural's in for 2 or 3 days so no pain!). Tara's been so cute with her stump. Last night she couldn't stop holding it, stroking it, and saying "I love my stump". Then about half way thro' the night - she looked at it and burst out laughing and said: "my stump's funny". And this morning, she looked at it again and said "hmmm, my stump looks strange" - but she was grinning, not upset by it. So I reminded her that it's gonna be a bit funny and strange for her friends when they first see it and that "they'll take a little while to get used to it". So she nodded and said "yeah, it's gonna take ME a little while to get used to it!" So that's good - I think she'll remember her own reactions and hopefully be more understanding with other people's reactions - coz of course everyone will be shocked the first few times. She also said "I know my stump doesn't look as good as other people's legs, but I still think it's lovely".

She's very focussed - has already informed us that she's on a mission to walk by the 3rd of May (her birthday) - which is something she's come up with on her own - nobody's spoken to her about aiming for a date or anything (altho' pre-hab did tell us that she probably won't walk before early June). She's doing physio already - and can do a fab 'wave' with her leg (bending it at the knee) - waved her sisters goodbye last night - sort of like a dolphin does with its fin (and then insisted on them kissing it too). I slept with Tara last night - she's the best company - very funny and interesting and cute. She's very busy - reading (3 different books), playing with her soft toys, receiving flowers, watching movies, DS'ing, eating heaps, chatting about life in general etc. She says "I'm SO lucky that the op went so well" and she thinks this op was MUCH better than the hospital visit at Christmas - coz this time they put her to sleep before putting any needles in. She's had a couple of bedwettings because the numbing medicine's so great (!) - but that seems better this morning - and they've reduced the liquid in the drip - because she's drinking so much herself. One nurse said they gave her so much coz they were expecting a 'dying swan' kind of patient. But they got the opposite. In fact the male nurse - George - volunteereed to be Tara's nurse again today coz he says she's such a "happy chappie". She is FULL of beans right now. Desperate for a wheel chair so she can explore the playroom etc. And Cas and Jadie can't wait (actually shrieking) to take her around. Tone's much happier today - good night's sleep plus seeing how happy Tara is - and right now he's surfing up a storm on Club Penguin (to earn points for the girls). Granny's gonna take the girls out a little later for a swim. She's booked into accommodation nearby for the week - huge help coz it means Tone and I get time alone with each of the girls.

Thanks again for all the DIVINE emails and messages. You make us wanna cry (happy tears!). Below are a couple of pics from yesterday - the DS Girls and then Tara minutes before being put under. And below is Jadie's very first posting to the blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tony and Jenny and girls! This is from your cousin Helen in London. I haven't written anything til now cause I wasn't sure your girls will remember meeting me, but I wanted you to know that I've been reading your news and thinking about you all every day. Thank you for takin the time to keep everyone up to date through these worrying times, it seems people all over the world have been praying for you and wishing you the best! You have all really impressed me being so brave and positive, MUCH braver than I could be!! I'm relieved and thankful for you that the op is over and went so well and I wish you all the best for the next weeks of recovery. I hope to be able to see you all again sometime soon, somewhere in the world!!! Lots of love to Tara, Jadie and Cassie xxx

Lisa Ricourt said...

Hello to you all,

We're so pleased that the operation went well and that Tara, you've taken to your stump as strongly as you did to leggie loo.
It was so lovely to talk to you very briefly on Monday night and to hear such positive vibes (it was just a shame that our Jade was so timid over the phone !!! Sorry Tara).
I look forward to hearing how your recovery goes Tara.
All our love to you all.

Love and kisses, and plenty of hugs from France !!!
Lisa, Christophe & Jade xxxxx