Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So how are you feeling?

That's the question we get asked the most. How are we feeling? Well I always wondered why we chose to put the swinging Tara pic at the top of this blog - when we've got so many other more beautiful pics of her...but we've now realised it's because that pic so aptly captures the feeling - totally excited...but just a little nervous! And it captures Tara - that even tho' she felt those feelings while swinging in the trees at Cap d'Antibes, she still did it...coz it was more fun than not doing it.
Tone was saying yesterday how she just has this amazing acceptance of certain things. She doesn't waste energy tryna fight what can't be won or tryna resist things she'll eventually have to accept - instead she harnesses her energy and goes straight there - to acceptance, and then totally channels her energy to make the absolute most of whatever it is she's had to accept. It's like she intuitively lives by the Serenity Prayer ("God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference etc...")

Another question I keep meaning to answer is whether Tara's amputation will be above or below the knee - it's below!!! That's one of the reasons why we didn't amputate at birth - so that her knee could grow strong enough to support a below the knee amputation. I think below the knee amputees call themselves BKs...

Below is a conversation we taped with Tara, Cas and Jade to answer many questions about how they're all feeling...


Anonymous said...

Wow- where does one start? You guys are truly the most amazing family and Jen and Tone, you are the kind of parents that we can only aspire to be. You have taken an incredibly challenging and potentially negative situation and turned it into just POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE. Your girls are learning so many invaluable life lessons from this, and us along with them. I kindof feel pretty pathetic and small right now feeling sorry for myself with my big belly, sore back and permanently aching bladder!!

Tara's acceptance of things, as you say, is truly amazing, but there's definitely an equal amount of nature and nurture here. You have instilled that confidence, openness and acceptance in her through your incredible parenting, love, support and communication.

Tara, you are the bravest munchkin in the whole world and I can't wait till you have your new lou lou leg so that you can chase dad up and down till his lungs ache (which won't take long :)).

We think of you guys all the time and wish we weren't so far away from you. We'll be praying extra hard on the 25th March for a safe and complication-free operation.

Lots of love
Lisa and Jason

Anonymous said...

I'm struggling to add anything that my gorgeous wife hasn't already just said perfectly... We are blown away by all of you and your wonderfulness.

I remember, many moons ago, Jen, you and I having a conversation about young and old spirits and how you could know or tell who was what. I get the sense that Tara's been and done this all before... Nothing fazes her; she's a get-on-with-it kinda girl and it's an attitude that can only serve her so well in (this!) life. Her siblings are lucky to have her as a sister. And vice-versa too, 'cos I can't think of a better trio than them!

I wish we could see you more often. I feel like an absent Godfather but know that you are thought of often (and used in our household as the standard bearers of successful parenthood!). I'm already telling Matthew about these three hot lasses on the other side of the planet that he'll be lucky to meet one day... Hey, it would be four but Jen's probably just a teensie bit too old for him!

Love you all. Tones, will send some Grecian 2000 in the next Xmas basket!

Take good care of yourselves and each other.

Jason xxx