Friday, February 29, 2008

Fab Prosthetic

Here's a great video of Gill Hicks putting on her prosthetic legs. This is the type of everyday (walking) prosthetic we'll aim to eventually get for Tara. Initially she's gonna be getting a horrible (archaic) one that you put on with a buckle or elastic wrapped around your upper limb. But afterwards we'll try for this - we met a 12-year-old girl who said her life changed for the better once she got one of these. And it's kinda James Bond-ish to take off - you press a secret spot on the leg, and voila - it pops out of the pin. Yikes - they've come a long way since the wooden ones when we were kids! And apparently tin before that! Jamie shared such a poignant story with us this week about his father having had a tin leg, after the Second World War - and how they would use it to play cricket with in the afternoons. After his father passed away, while he was still a child, he says he found it so disappointing to discover that other adult men didn't have that same special leg that he could play with.

So many people have shared their intimate stories with us - it's funny and such a cliche, but it really is true that everyone has a story (ok, maybe not everyone - some are dull, dull, dull; but most people!). And so often - we don't realise what people are going thro' - like yesterday at Alec's school, a beautiful music teacher whose sister is dying, got shouted at for something pathetic by a petty little man who had no idea. Quite a few people (clients or old friends who've never met the kids) have told us the same - that they had no idea about Tara. They say we "never mentioned it" - which is so funny coz we never meant to not mention it; it just never came up & there's SO much more to Tara that one forgets there's something different - we're always 100% happy to talk FOREVER about Tara & Jade & Cassie - there's nothing off limits and ANY question is welcomed.

OK - here's the video:

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