Friday, May 23, 2008

Update from Jadie

Hello it's Jade here.
Tara is not sick like me. I am very, very sick - like Cassie. We both stay at home watching movies. When I was at school last week, Tara did high jumps and lots of them. Everyone clapped for her. They couldn't believe she landed on one foot. I knew she could do it.

We saw Mana and he was sooooooooooo amazing. He sings, dances making butterflies and birds and eagles with hula hoops. One night I had to go to mum's bed because Tara was snoring so loudly. And another night she kept me awake with her ticklish stump. My tooth came out!!!!! I did a project on recycling paper.

Bye Tara and everyone else.



Family Santos said...

Hi Jadie,
I think you must have wheel fever - first we see you going crazy on rollerblades and now a bicycle. And I'm definitely a bit concerned because I can see you're cycling without having your feet on the pedals! All these wheels - do you think you'll miss Tara's wheel chair when she doesn't have it anymore? Next stop a skateboard I think.

Did the fairies come and take your tooth away? Do they leave you sweets or money? I guess in a way sweets would be a very clever thing for them to do because that could make people lose their teeth even faster!

Lots of love and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Lizzie-Lou. x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadie,

We hope the tooth fairy gave you lots and lots of money to buy new teeth and ear plugs!

We miss you all

Anita, Joe and Bella xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadie
Hope the tooth fairy was kind! Our little puppy is losing his teeth too - some of them are very wobbly and when he chews on his big soccer ball he sometimes leaves his teeth behind. I think they're all nearly out by now, maybe there are just a few big ones left to come through. Our puppy's name is Milo and he's a Schnauzer - he's the cutest little thing, and he's now 6 months old.
Gabriel was also sick last week, but on Friday he managed to win his inter house cross country race at school by quite a distance.
Hope you have a lovely week!
Lots of love

Anonymous said...


What is Mana, sounds amazing? Was that after you were sick?

Filipa and I made flower leis to go around all the girls necks the other day, out of pink and green tissue paper, it took hours..but it looked wonderful and made me think we should do some when we're all together again!

Didn't realise how sick you noodles were, not nice! But more fun if two sisters are ill, so you have a movie mate.

Love you so much,


Anonymous said...

Hiya sweetie,

Wow, it looks like you're even more grown up since the last time I saw you!

I can't help but think how lucky Tara is to have a sister like you and a twinnie at that! Please remember to always love each other and to support each other 'cos you will always be the bestest of friends, no-one could be closer.

There will be times when Tara will need you very much. I know that you will always be there for her.

Wishing you much love and warm fuzzy hugs.

Jason x

Jadie said...

Hi Cammy,

Mana is a wonderful dancer and singer. Guess what he can even dance with 7 Loops!and each time you finish a challange you pick. Some people already have 30. I had just been better to go see Mana. Cassie was too sick to even see Mana. On the day he
came it was free dress day also.

Love Jadie x